
中文:今日,备受瞩目的文生视频公司Pika推出了其首个版本Pika 1.0,该软件具备生成和编辑3D动画、动漫、卡通及电影等多种风格视频的功能。值得一提的是,Pika 1.0一经推出便在各大社交媒体上引起了广泛关注。根据IT之家的报道,Pika团队于今日凌晨在社交平台X上宣布,Pika 1.0的网页端访问权限将向所有用户免费开放。

英文:Today, the much-anticipated video generation software Pika 1.0 is officially released. This software enables users to create and edit videos in various styles, including 3D animation, cartoons, and movies. Notably, Pika 1.0 has gained widespread attention on major social media platforms shortly after its launch. According to IT Home, the Pika team announced on social platform X this morning that the web version of Pika 1.0 will be opened to all users for free.

中文:此次免费开放的Pika 1.0网页端,将为广大用户带来前所未有的视频创作体验。无论是专业人士还是视频制作爱好者,都可以轻松上手,尽情发挥创意。

英文:The web version of Pika 1.0, which is now open to all users for free, will bring an unprecedented video creation experience. Whether you are a professional or a video production enthusiast, you can easily get started and unleash your creativity.

中文:Pika 1.0的推出,标志着我国视频生成技术的发展迈向了新阶段。在未来,我们有理由期待更多创新型视频作品的诞生,为网络视频领域注入新的活力。

英文:The launch of Pika 1.0 marks a new stage in the development of video generation technology in our country. In the future, we have every reason to expect more innovative video works, injecting new vitality into the field of online video.

综上,Pika 1.0的免费开放将为用户带来前所未有的视频创作体验,期待更多创新型视频作品的诞生。

Overall, the free opening of Pika 1.0 will bring an unprecedented video creation experience to users, and we look forward to seeing more innovative video works.


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