近日,美国科学家研发出一种简单易行的DNA检测技术,能够识别包括肺癌、乳腺癌、肠癌在内的18种早期癌症。这项研究发表在知名医学期刊《BMJ Oncology》上,被专家们称为癌症检测领域的“变革者”。





Title: Revolutionary blood test accurately detects 18 early-stage cancers
Keywords: Blood test, early-stage cancer, accurate detection

News content:
Recently, American scientists have developed a simple and easy-to-use DNA testing technology that can accurately detect 18 early-stage cancers, including lung cancer, breast cancer, and colon cancer. This study was published in the renowned medical journal “BMJ Oncology” and is regarded as a “game changer” in the field of cancer detection.

The technology, developed by the American biotechnology company Novelna, accurately identifies early-stage cancers in 18 major organs by analyzing proteins in blood. Compared to traditional methods of detecting tumor DNA, this new method has a significantly higher accuracy in identifying early-stage cancers than the currently ongoing NHS trial using the Galleri test.

Researchers point out that although blood proteins have been used for early cancer detection, their accuracy is insufficient to distinguish between healthy individuals and cancer patients. This technology, however, can identify 93% of male cancers and 84% of female cancers during the earliest stage of cancer (I stage) with 99% specificity.

The research team believes that this technology has the potential to become a routine part of medical examinations, completely transforming cancer screening guidelines and providing an economical and highly accurate multi-cancer screening method for large-scale populations. However, due to the relatively small sample size of the current study, further large-scale research is needed to validate its effectiveness and feasibility.

Although the research results are encouraging, experts still caution that a simple blood test that can early detect multiple cancers with high accuracy has always been the ultimate goal of early cancer screening. Whether this study can be applied to practical cancer screening still needs more research and verification.


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