中新社北京1月7日电 综合消息:以色列军方于当地时间6日晚宣布,经过三个月的军事行动,加沙地带北部的巴勒斯坦伊斯兰抵抗运动(哈马斯)军事力量已被瓦解。此次行动标志着以色列在打击恐怖主义方面取得了重要成果。
News Title: Israeli military declares victory over Hamas military forces in northern Gaza
Keywords: Israeli military, Gaza Strip, Hamas
News Content:
Beijing, Jan. 7 (CNA) – In a statement released on the evening of local time on January 6, the Israeli military announced that after three months of military operations, the Hamas military forces in the northern Gaza Strip have been dismantled. The operation marks an important achievement for Israel in its fight against terrorism.
It is understood that the aim of the operation was to eliminate the threat posed by Hamas to the Israeli border. The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) stated that during the operation, dozens of Hamas members were killed and a large number of weapons and ammunition were seized. The success of the operation effectively reduces the risk of terrorist activities in the northern Gaza Strip.
However, despite the dismantling of Hamas’ military forces, Israel still faces ongoing attacks from the Lebanese Hezbollah. Recently, Hezbollah has launched a large number of rockets into Israeli territory, causing parts of the country to enter a state of emergency. The Israeli government said it will take all necessary measures to defend national sovereignty and security.
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