中新网1月6日电 据英国《卫报》当地时间5日报道,在德国出生的美国男演员克里斯蒂安·奥列佛与两个女儿在加勒比海上空坠机身亡。据悉,克里斯蒂安·奥列佛今年51岁,此次坠机事故原因尚不清楚。事发后,当地救援部门立即展开搜救,但遗憾的是,三人已无生命迹象。克里斯蒂安·奥列佛在好莱坞知名度较高,曾出演过多部影视作品,其精湛的演技深受观众喜爱。此次悲剧性事件震惊了整个娱乐圈,众多明星及粉丝纷纷表示哀悼。
News Title: Hollywood actor Christian Oliver killed in plane crash
Keywords: Christian Oliver, plane crash, death
News Content:
According to the British newspaper The Guardian on January 6th local time, German-born American actor Christian Oliver, 51, and his two daughters died in a plane crash in the Caribbean Sea. The cause of the crash is still unknown. After the accident, the local rescue department immediately launched a search and rescue operation, but unfortunately, there were no signs of life. Christian Oliver, who had a high profile in Hollywood, had starred in numerous films and TV shows, and his excellent acting skills were deeply loved by the audience. The tragic event shocked the entire entertainment industry, and many stars and fans expressed their condolences.
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