


Title: Teacher Oversupply Alert: “Teacher Training Heat” Cooling by 2035
Keywords: Teacher Oversupply, Teacher Training Heat Cooling, Education Development Trends

News Content:
Recently, a research team from Beijing Normal University predicted that by 2035, there may be approximately 1.5 million excess primary school teachers nationwide in China. This data has triggered attention to the phenomenon of “teacher training heat” cooling. It is understood that in 2023, multiple local education departments have begun to require the control of new enrollments in education-related majors in colleges and universities.

Behind the phenomenon of “teacher training heat” cooling, it reflects the changing trends in education development in our country. With the change in demand for teachers, the structure and scale of the teacher team will also be adjusted in the future. In order to adapt to this change, education departments and universities should timely adjust talent cultivation strategies, improve the quality of teacher training, and cope with the possible excess of teachers.

Furthermore, students majoring in education should broaden their employment horizons, not limit themselves to traditional teaching positions, and actively explore development opportunities in other fields, thereby improving their comprehensive quality and enhancing their competitiveness in the job market.


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