中新网1月4日电 据美联社报道,当地时间3日,以美国为首的12个国家发布联合声明,对也门胡塞武装发出“最后通牒”,警告除非他们立即停止海上袭击,否则将为由此引发的后果承担责任。



News Title: 12 countries led by the United States issue a final warning to the Houthi armed forces: Stop attacks
Keywords: United States, 12 countries, Houthi armed forces, final warning, sea attacks

News Content:
According to the Associated Press, on January 4 local time, a joint statement was released by 12 countries led by the United States, issuing a “final warning” to the Houthi armed forces in Yemen, demanding that they immediately stop sea attacks or bear the consequences caused by their actions.

In the joint statement, the United States and its allies demanded that the Houthi armed forces immediately cease all sea attack activities. The statement also emphasizes that if the Houthi armed forces continue to launch attacks, they will have to bear the consequences. The international community will closely monitor the Houthi armed forces’ attack activities and take necessary measures to ensure regional security and stability.

The final warning issued today is a response to the Houthi armed forces’ series of attack actions. Recently, the Houthi armed forces have frequently launched sea attacks, leading to tensions in the region. The United States and its allies believe that the Houthi armed forces’ attack activities pose a serious threat to regional peace and stability, and it is necessary to take measures to stop this behavior.


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