Title: Top 10 Chinese Language Errors of 2023 Announced by “Word Nerds”
Keywords: Chinese language, errors, dopamine
News content:
Recently, the “Word Nerds” editorial team has announced the top 10 Chinese language errors of 2023. Some common words and phrases that have been misread or misused have attracted widespread attention. For example, the word “dopamine” is often mispronounced as “ān”, when the correct pronunciation should be “àn”. Additionally, the character “card” in “neck-card” is mispronounced as “kǎ”, with the correct pronunciation being “qiǎ”. Another example is the misuse of “account” as “account”.
Among these language errors, some are due to incorrect pronunciation, while others are related to incorrect word forms. For instance, “cuān hóng” (soaring red) is often mistaken for “cuàn hóng” (scurrying red), “issuing military orders” is incorrectly referred to as “issuing military orders”, the mistaken claim that Bai Juyi built the “White Dike”, and the mislabeling of “mycoplasma” as a “virus”. These errors are frequently encountered in daily life and can cause confusion.
The announcement of these Chinese language errors aims to remind the public to pay attention to language standards and improve their language literacy. As journalists, we should set an example and use language accurately to spread correct values and knowledge.
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