
中新网上海1月3日电 (记者 陈静) 世界华人数学家联盟2023年会3日在上海举行,18位来自美国的青年学生参加了此次活动,引发了广泛关注。这些美国学子首次踏上中国土地,就被我国的科研环境和高铁技术深深吸引。



Title: American Students Praise China’s Research Environment and High-speed Rail

Keywords: American students, China trip, research environment, high-speed rail

News Content:

Shanghai, January 3 (Xinhua) – The 2023 Annual Meeting of the World Chinese Mathematicians League was held in Shanghai on January 3, attracting attention from 18 young students from the United States. These students visited China for the first time and were impressed by the country’s research environment and high-speed rail technology.

The participating students unanimously praised the rigorous and efficient research environment in China. They believe that compared to the relaxed academic atmosphere in the United States, Chinese researchers’ dedication and focus on research are worth learning. In addition, the convenience and comfort of high-speed rail have also become a big surprise for them. They expressed admiration for China’s high-speed rail technology, which is not yet widely adopted in their home country.

The annual meeting provided these American students with a window to understand China’s research status, and they hope to deepen academic exchanges and cooperation between China and the United States in the field of mathematics. During their visit, they will also tour some renowned universities and research institutions in China to further immerse themselves in the charm of Chinese research.


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