
知情人士透露,微软在其首个生成式AI服务GitHub Copilot上损失了大量资金。GitHub Copilot目前拥有150万用户,定价每月收费10美元,每年100美元。据《华尔街日报》报道,微软在其首个生成式AI服务GitHub Copilot上亏损了大量资金。知情人士透露,“今年前几个月,平均每个用户让微软每月亏损超过20美元,有些用户每月给公司造成的损失高达80美元。”

根据知情人士透露的数据,GitHub Copilot服务的月亏损金额相当可观。GitHub Copilot拥有超过150万用户,每月每个用户平均亏损超过20美元,有些用户每月造成的损失高达80美元。虽然GitHub Copilot是一项具有潜力的服务,但微软需要认真对待其亏损情况,并采取相应的措施来改善其业务状况。

英文标题:Microsoft’s GitHub Copilot service losses惨重

关键词:Microsoft,GitHub Copilot,losses,user numbers


According to sources, Microsoft has suffered significant losses in its first-generation AI service GitHub Copilot. GitHub Copilot currently has over 1.5 million users and charges $10 per month and $100 per year. According to a report by the Wall Street Journal, Microsoft has lost a considerable amount of money in its first-generation AI service GitHub Copilot. The sources透露,“This year alone, Microsoft has lost more than $20 million in monthly losses per user on average, and some users have caused losses of up to $80 per month to the company.”

According to the sources透露的数据,GitHub Copilot service has incurred substantial losses. GitHub Copilot has more than 1.5 million users and loses an average of over $20 per month per user, and some users have caused losses of up to $80 per month to the company. Although GitHub Copilot is a promising service, Microsoft needs to take serious action to improve its financial performance.


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