Title: OpenAI ChatGPT service outages due to DDoS attack
Keywords: OpenAI, ChatGPT, DDoS attack, service outages
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According to reports, a periodical outage has occurred in OpenAI’s ChatGPT service due to a DDoS attack. OpenAI updated the news on their official website, stating that they are currently handling the abnormal traffic caused by the reflection of DDoS attacks, which led to the service’s periodical interruptions. Prior to that, OpenAI released a statement that ChatGPT and its API will still experience periodical interruptions.
According to the report from the interface news, the ChatGPT and API services of OpenAI have experienced severe interruptions and failures, which have affected services for users and developers. The failure has affected OpenAI’s business, with many users and developers affected.
OpenAI said that they are taking measures to address this issue and resume normal service as soon as possible. At the same time, users and developers can continue to use OpenAI’s other services, such as text generation and natural language processing.
Previous reports showed that the ChatGPT service of OpenAI has been in a high-availability state, but it has recently been targeted by DDoS attacks, leading to service disruptions. This is not the first time OpenAI’s ChatGPT service has been hit by DDoS attacks.
OpenAI is one of the most popular AI models, and the news of service outages has attracted widespread attention. Although the service is out of order, OpenAI has stated that they will continue to work hard to ensure the stability and availability of the ChatGPT service.
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