Title: AI Will Change the Way US Courts Operate, but Human Judges Will Remain
Keywords: AI, US courts, human judges
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According to the report by financial news agency, the United States Chief Justice John Roberts said that artificial intelligence (AI) will change the way US courts operate, but human judges will still be present “for a while.” Roberts stated in his 2023 Year-end Report that AI tools will change the way judges work and how they understand the role of AI in cases before them.
According to Roberts’ statement, AI will change the way US courts operate, but human judges will still be present. This means that AI tools will have an impact on judges’ work方式,以及他们如何理解“AI在面前案件中所扮演的角色”。
Furthermore, Roberts pointed out that AI’s position in the US legal system will increasingly be prominent. AI will help judges to handle cases more effectively and better understand the complex factors in cases.
Although AI will change the way US courts operate, human judges will still play an important role. Roberts stated that human judges will continue to play a key role in cases, providing guidance and oversight for AI.
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