1. 受冷空气影响,1月1日起,黄淮到江南华南出现较大范围降温。据气象部门预测,6日起,各地自北向南气温将陆续转为偏低,小寒时节天气再度寒冷起来。此次降温过程持续时间较长,南方多地气温将跌破零度,需注意保暖。

2. 受冷空气影响,气温骤降。1月1日起,黄淮到江南华南降温范围扩大。6日起,各地自北向南气温将陆续转为偏低,小寒时节天气再度寒冷起来。此次降温过程持续时间较长,南方多地气温将跌破零度,需注意保暖。

3. 小寒时节气温骤降,南方多地气温跌破零度。受冷空气影响,1月1日起,黄淮到江南华南出现较大范围降温。6日起,各地自北向南气温将陆续转为偏低,需注意保暖。


1. Temperature plunge! Large-scale cooling across Huanghe River and lower reaches of southern China
2. Weather turns cold again! Temperatures from the north to the south will gradually turn colder starting on January 6th
3. Coldest days of the year! Temperature plunge in southern China during the Small Cold Festival


1. Large-scale cooling across Huanghe River and lower reaches of southern China has begun. According to meteorologists, temperatures from the north to the south will gradually turn colder starting on January 6th, and it will be the coldest time of the year in southern China. Please stay warm.
2. Weather turns cold again in China. Starting on January 6th, temperatures from the north to the south will gradually turn colder. This is the coldest time of the year in southern China. Please stay warm.
3. The Small Cold Festival in China has brought coldest days of the year. Large-scale cooling has begun across Huanghe River and lower reaches of southern China. Starting on January 6th, temperatures from the north to the south will gradually turn colder. Please stay warm.


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