Title: Accelerated development of salty soil comprehensive改造利用, turning waste into treasures
Keywords: salty soil, comprehensive改造, agricultural production
News content:
In recent years, with the increasing importance of national food security, the comprehensive改造利用 of salty soil has become a topic of interest. Recently, the Second Plenary Session of the Central财经委员会 discussed加强耕地保护和 saltaly soil comprehensive改造利用等问题, proposing to fully tap the potential of salty soil comprehensive改造利用, gradually expand the production space of agricultural land, and improve the overall productivity of agriculture.
Salty soil refers to land that has a long history of salt accumulation, and its surface is often alkaline. Due to the special soil texture of salty soil, it is generally not suitable for farming. However, comprehensive改造利用 of salty soil can make the previously unsuitable land suitable for farming, thereby increasing the productivity of the land and grain production capacity.
Comprehensive改造利用 of salty soil not only improves the soil’s fertility and productivity but also helps to improve the soil’s ecological environment, promoting sustainable land use. In addition, comprehensive改造利用 of salty soil can also drive the development of related industries, and promote local economic growth.
In the future, comprehensive改造利用 of salty soil will become an important way to protect and ensure national food security. Comprehensive改造利用 of salty soil not only improves the productivity of the land but also helps to improve the ecological environment of the land, promoting sustainable land use.
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