美国宇航局分享了一段名为“好奇号”在火星上的休假视频。这段视频由前后避险摄像机(Hazcams)拍摄,记录了火星时间早上 5 点到下午 5 点的变化。拍摄于11月8日,当天是“好奇号”登陆火星的第4002天。视频中可以看到“好奇号”静静地直立不动,从黎明到黄昏的变化中,可以看到“好奇号”的影子慢慢倾斜,滑过崎岖地形。美国宇航局在推文中调侃道:“在‘好奇号’没有移动的情况下,完美地胜任了日晷的工作”。
Title: Curiosity rover’s Christmas vacation on Mars, captured in stunning video
美国宇航局分享了一段名为“好奇号”在火星上的休假视频。这段视频由前后避险摄像机(Hazcams)拍摄,记录了火星时间早上 5 点到下午 5 点的变化。拍摄于11月8日,当天是“好奇号”登陆火星的第4002天。视频中可以看到“好奇号”静静地直立不动,从黎明到黄昏的变化中,可以看到“好奇号”的影子慢慢倾斜,滑过崎岖地形。美国宇航局在推文中调侃道:“在‘好奇号’没有移动的情况下,完美地胜任了日晷的工作”。
NASA has shared a stunning video of the Curiosity rover’s Christmas vacation on Mars. The video, captured by the Hazcams, shows changes in the Martian time from 5:00 am to 5:00 pm on November 8th, which was the 4002nd day of the rover’s landing on Mars. In the video, we can see the Curiosity rover standing quietly in place, with the shadow of the rover slowly inclining as it moves through the rugged terrain. NASA said in a tweet, “In the absence of movement, the Curiosity rover proved to be an excellent sun dial.”
This video was the last command sent by NASA before the spacecraft entered a two-week period of calm. The camera used to capture the video was installed on the Curiosity rover, which was used to record the rover’s life on Mars. The release of this video has allowed the public to gain a better understanding of the rover’s performance on Mars and the challenges faced by humans in exploring the red planet.
NASA said that the video was captured when the Curiosity rover was standing quietly in place, with the shadow of the rover slowly inclining as it moves through the rugged terrain.
The release of this video is significant for scientists and astronauts. It can help people better understand the rover’s performance on Mars and the challenges faced by humans in exploring the red planet.
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