据IT之家报道,腾讯今日宣布,Nintendo e商店在12月29日至1月3日期间开启元旦折扣放送,部分商品低至7折的活动价。其中,备受瞩目的《超级马里奥:奥德赛》游戏打了7折,售价209.3元。此外,本次折扣活动还包括《马里奥网球:王牌》、《耀西的手工世界》、《妖怪手表4强化之章》等游戏。
值得一提的是,2022年1月份,Switch游戏机OLED版将会上架,售价2599元。OLED版Switch配备了更大的7英寸720P OLED显示屏,边框变窄,拥有全新的支架设计,可自由调整角度,还在底座加入有线LAN接口。
英文标题:腾讯任天堂Switch launches winter holiday sale
关键词:腾讯,任天堂,Switch,winter holiday sale
According to IT之家报道,Tencent today announced that the Nintendo e-store has launched a winter holiday sale on December 29th to January 3rd, with some games discounted to 70% off. The popular game “Super Mario:奥德赛” is also on sale for 70% off, priced at 209.3 yuan. In addition to this, the sale includes games such as “Mario Tennis: Aces,” “Yoshi’s Craftsmanship,” and “The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.”
It is worth noting that in January 2022, the OLED version of the Switch game console will go on sale, priced at 2599 yuan. The OLED version of the Switch features a larger 7-inch 720P OLED display, thinner bezels, a new支架 design that can be freely adjusted, and an incoming wired LAN interface at the base.
Furthermore, Tencent also announced that the extended warranty plan for the Chinese-language version of the Switch will be suspended on December 10th at 17:00, and will be discussed and analyzed in detail in the future, bringing a “more tailored experience and product features.”
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