凯迪拉克豪华纯电SUV车型OPTIQ的中文名正式确定为“IQ 傲歌”,与首款车型“IQ 锐歌”相比更具气场。新车外观采用了凯迪拉克最新的设计语言,配备胡须状的封闭式格栅。整车设计语言沿用凯迪拉克棱角分明的风格,不过也拥有圆润的线条。这款车型已在今年7月完成工信部申报,数据显示该车尺寸为4822/1912/1642(或1644)mm,轴距2954mm,定位是中型SUV。动力方面,该车基于通用奥特能平台研发,配备最大功率为150kW或180kW的驱动电机和上汽时代提供的动力电池,未来有望推出双电机四驱车型。此外,凯迪拉克在此前的广州车展期间还宣布,明年将有3款纯电产品上市,从官方给出的预告图来看,预计依旧是SUV车型。
Cadillac’s second pure electric SUV, OPTIQ, has been officially named “IQ 傲歌.” Compared to the first model, IQ 锐歌, the new name has more cache. The exterior of the new vehicle features凯迪拉克最新的 design language, with a beard-like closed grille. The overall design language of the vehicle follows凯迪拉克’s sharp andangled style, but also has round and smooth lines. This model has been approved by the Ministry of Industry and Information in July this year, with data showing an internal length of 4822mm, width of 1912mm, height of 1642mm, and a diagonal length of 2954mm, making it a mid-size SUV. The动力方面, the vehicle is based on the General Motors’奥特能平台 and equipped with a 150kW or 180kW drive motor and a power battery provided by SAIC Motor Technology. It is expected to offer a双电机四驱 version in the future. In addition, Cadillac announced that there will be three pure electric products launched next year, and according to the official teaser image provided by the company, it is expected to be an SUV again.
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