据知情人士透露,特斯拉即将发布今年第四季度的电动汽车交付量,预计将再次创下历史新高。但全年交付量可能低于公司首席执行官埃隆・马斯克 (Elon Musk) 今年年初提出的 200 万辆内部目标。
特斯拉习惯通过增加主要车型的折扣力度来刺激年终销售业绩。该公司表示,其目标是连续多年实现 50% 的平均年增长率。明年特斯拉还需要面对部分车型在美国和德国市场失去联邦税收抵免的问题。德国政府正提前结束电动汽车补贴计划。这一情况可能会迫使特斯拉明年继续降价,同期利率和电池原料成本预计会有所缓解。
市场研究公司 CFRA Research 高级分析师加勒特・纳尔逊 (Garrett Nelson) 表示:“就特斯拉的单季交付量而言,第四季度通常是一年中最多的,我们预计今年将再次出现这种情况。”
根据伦敦证券交易所对 14 位分析师的调查,2023 年特斯拉可能在全球范围内交付 182 万辆汽车,较 2022 年增长 37%,其中第四季度交付量约为 47.3 万辆。
今年 1 月份马斯克表示,如果没有“该死的不可抗力”,特斯拉今年有望交付 200 万辆电动汽车。但今年 10 月份马斯克还在警告称,借贷成本上升正在给市场需求带来压力。
德意志银行分析师埃马纽埃尔・罗斯纳(Emmanuel Rosner)在一份报告中援引了与特斯拉投资者关系主管马丁・维查(Martin Viecha)的会面,这样写道:“特斯拉坦率承认,公司目前正处于低增长的过渡时期。”
投资者们预计,随着特斯拉提高 Cybertruck 产量,并准备推出更便宜的汽车,公司利润率将继续承压。马斯克曾表示,Cybertruck 只会占特斯拉明年汽车生产的一小部分,而且这款电动皮卡要实现量产还存在“巨大挑战”。
加拿大皇家银行资本市场 (RBC Capital Markets) 分析师汤姆・纳拉扬 (Tom Narayan) 在一份报告中表示,到 2024 年 Cybertruck 将占到特斯拉交付量的 3%,他称 Cybertruck 更像是一种用来吸引消费者的“光环”产品。
Title: Tesla’s fourth quarter delivery volume is expected to hit another record high
Keywords: Tesla, fourth quarter, delivery volume, record high
News content:
According to sources, Tesla is about to release its fourth quarter electric vehicle delivery volume, which is expected to hit another record high. However, the overall delivery volume of the company may fall short of CEO Elon Musk’s original target of 2 million units for the entire year.
Tesla has been increasing the discounts on its main models to stimulate年终销售业绩. The company aims to achieve an average annual growth rate of 50% over the years. Next year, Tesla will also have to face the problem of losing federal tax credits for certain models in the US and Germany. Germany’s government is ending its electric vehicle subsidy program ahead of schedule, which may force Tesla to continue pricing discounts, along with expected relief in interest rates and battery costs.
Market research company CFRA Research senior analyst Garrett Nelson said, “In terms of Tesla’s quarterly delivery volume, the fourth quarter of the year is typically the most substantial, and we expect this situation to occur again this year.”
Tesla’s price war and slowing demand for electric vehicles have prompted Ford and other car manufacturers to abandon their electric vehicle plans, making Tesla the dominant player in the US market and driving the company’s stock up by more than 100% this year.
According to a survey of 14 analysts by London Stock Exchange, Tesla may deliver 1.82 million vehicles globally in 2023, up 37% from 2022, with an estimated 473,000 units in the fourth quarter.
In January of this year, Elon Musk said that if there were no “crap不可抗力,” Tesla might deliver 2 million units of electric vehicles this year. However, in October of last year, he
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