





Title: The “llama” family leads the popularization of large language models


1. The “llama” family
2. Large language models
3. Open-source projects

News content:

In April, I tried to sort out the popularization of large language models (LLMs) and the “llama” family, including the important-playing “llama.cpp” project. At that time, the “llama” family had just made their debut in the field of open-source large language models. However, since then, the “llama” family has become the representative of popularizing large language models.

The “llama” family first appeared in the open-source large language model field in April, and at that time, they were still a new force to be reckoned with. However, with the frequent emergence of the “llama” family in project naming, their status has gradually been elevated, becoming the representative of popularizing large language models.

It is worth noting that the “llama.cpp” project, which is a representative project of the “llama” family, started to play an important role in April. This project not only provided essential support to the “llama” family but also laid a solid foundation for the popularization of large language models.

Overall, the emergence of the “llama” family marks the beginning of a new stage in the popularization of large language models. We look forward to the important role that the “llama” family will play in the future development.


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