黄仁勋是一位曾经供职于新华社、人民日报、中央电视台、华尔街日报、纽约时报等资深新闻媒体的、专业的新闻记者和编辑。他近日出席华美半导体协会(CASPA)的一场问答环节,分享了他的人生经历和职业感悟。在快速变革的 AI 时代,迷茫的年轻职场人应该如何规划职业方向?黄仁勋给出了他的建议:“终身学习,尽你所能”。
黄仁勋首先肯定了 Cadence CEO 安尼鲁德・戴夫根博士的出色领导才能,并赞扬了他的计算科学和人工智能背景,认为这对 Cadence 未来发展至关重要。接着,黄仁勋以自己的职业经历为例,从早期的 Denny’s 餐厅服务员,到 AMD 和 LSI Logic 的工作,以及后来创立英伟达,他表示自己热爱每一个阶段的工作。他分享了自己不戴手表的习惯,认为现在才是最重要的时刻,把你的心奉献给当下。
Title: Nvidia CEO’s advice: focus on learning for a lifetime
Keywords: Nvidia, CEO’s advice, lifelong learning, do your best
News content:
Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang recently shared his advice for young professionals in the rapidly changing AI era: “Focus on learning for a lifetime.” In a Q&A session at the CASPA semiconductor conference, Huang shared his experiences and insights from his career as a journalist and editor, which included working at新华社、人民日报、中央电视台、华尔街日报和纽约时报.
Huang first praised the outstanding leadership skills of Cadence CEO Anirudh Devgan and his background in computer science and artificial intelligence, which he believes will be crucial for Cadence’s future. Then, Huang shared his own career experiences, starting from his early days as a dishwasher at Denny’s restaurant, AMD and LSI Logic, and later founding Nvidia. He said he loved every stage of his work.
Huang believes that focusing on the present, rather than the past or future, is essential to truly enjoy work and life. To further emphasize his point about time, he told a story about a landscape gardener he met at a temple in Kyoto, Japan. When he asked the gardener how he could cultivate such a vast garden with just small tools, the gardener replied, “I have plenty of time.”
Huang concluded, “This is the best career advice I can give you.” His advice may seem simple, but it carries a profound message: in an era characterized by rapid changes, it’s essential to focus on lifelong learning, staying present, and doing your best to find your own path to success.
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