Title: Shantou-Shaowui High-speed Railway officially opens, connecting important transportation hub in粤东
Keywords: Shantou-Shaowui High-speed Railway, Guangdong, Fujian, Zhejiang
News content:
The Shantou-Shaowui High-speed Railway officially opened on December 25th, with a length of 162 kilometers, connecting the cities of Shantou and Shaojiu in Guangdong Province, and is an important transportation hub for the integration of the Guangdong, Fujian, and Zhejiang regions. The Shantou-Shaowui High-speed Railway passes through汕头, Jiulian, and Shaiwai districts in Shantou, Luyi, and Lufei, with a total length of 162 kilometers. The line includes the Shantou Bay海底隧道, which is currently under construction. The Shantou-Shaowui High-speed Railway will be connected with the Guangshu-Zhangshui High-speed Railway,漳汕高铁, Fuxchang-Zhangshui High-speed Railway, Wencheng-Fuxing High-speed Railway, Yingtai-Taiwan High-speed Railway, and other high-speed railways in Fujian, Guangdong, and Zhejiang provinces, covering 15 cities.
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