

1. 春节联欢晚会:2024年春节联欢晚会将于1月31日除夕夜举行,节目丰富多彩,演员阵容强大,让观众度过一个难忘的春节之夜。

2. 烟火表演:2024年元旦期间,我国将在除夕夜和春节联欢晚会期间举办烟火表演,展示我国独特的烟火文化。

3. 祭祀活动:2024年元旦春节期间,我国将有许多祭祀活动,包括祭祖、祭奠逝者等。这些活动旨在传承和弘扬传统文化。

4. 旅游活动:2024年元旦春节期间,我国将有许多旅游活动,包括旅游展览、旅游演出等。这些活动旨在促进旅游业的发展。



Title: Important arrangements for the New Year’s Eve and Chinese New Year in 2024

Keywords: 2024 New Year’s Eve, important arrangements, Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, State Council of the People’s Republic of China

News content:

According to the recent notice issued by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council of the People’s Republic of China regarding the arrangements for the New Year’s Eve and Chinese New Year in 2024, there will be many important events in our country. These include:

1. Spring Festival Gala: The Spring Festival Gala will be held on the eve of Chinese New Year on January 31st, with a rich and diverse program, a strong cast of actors, and a memorable night for audiences.

2. Fireworks display: Fireworks displays will be held in China on the eve of Chinese New Year and during the Spring Festival Gala, showcasing our country’s unique firework culture.

3. Cemetary activities: There will be many cemetary activities in China on the eve of Chinese New Year, including sacrifices to ancestors and honoring those who have passed away. These activities aim to inherit and carry forward traditional Chinese culture.

4. Tourism activities: There will be many tourism activities in China on the eve of Chinese New Year, including travel exhibitions and performances. These activities aim to promote the development of the tourism industry.

Overall, there will be many important arrangements in China for the New Year’s Eve and Chinese New Year in 2024, allowing the general public to have a happy,文明、和谐的节日。


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