据可靠爆料人“momomo_us”今日曝光,英特尔即将在下月初CES2024上发布的14代酷睿非K系列桌面处理器的详细参数。其中,i9-14900为24核,36M缓存,睿频5.8 GHz;65Wi9-14900T为24核,36M缓存,睿频5.5 GHz,35Wi7-14700为20核,33M缓存,睿频5.4 GHz;65Wi7-14700T为20核,33M缓存,睿频5.2 GHz,35Wi5-14500为14核,24M缓存,睿频5.0 GHz;65Wi5-14500T为14核,24M缓存,睿频4.8 GHz,35Wi5-14400为10核,20M缓存,睿频4.7 GHz;65Wi5-14400T为10核,20M缓存,睿频4.5 GHz,35Wi3-14100为4核,12M缓存,睿频4.7 GHz;60Wi3-14100T为4核,12M缓存,睿频4.4 GHz,35WIntel 300为2核,6M缓存,3.9 GHz,46WIntel 300T为2核,4M缓存,3.4 GHz,35W酷睿 14 代非 K 系列桌面处理器采用和 13 代采用相同的工艺和架构,频率有所提升,此外 i7-14700(F)还增加了 4 个小核。英特尔取消了奔腾和赛扬型号,取而代之的是双核的 Intel 300 型号。据 IT之家 此前报道,可靠爆料人 ECSM_Official 也表示,英特尔将在北京时间 1 月 9 日上午 7 点举行 CES 2024 发布会,发布包括酷睿 14 代非 K 系列处理器在内的新品。


Title: Intel’s 14th Generation Non-K Series Desktop Processors Exposed with Detailed Specifications, to be Launched on January 9th

Keywords: 14th Generation, Intel, Non-K Series, Desktop Processors, Detailed Specifications, CES 2024


According to the reliable tipster “momomo_us”, a detailed specification of Intel’s upcoming 14th generation non-K series desktop processors has been exposed today. These processors will be launched at CES 2024 next month. The specification of i9-14900 includes 24 cores, 36MB cache, and a frequency of 5.8 GHz. The 65Wi9-14900T model will have 24 cores, 36MB cache, and a frequency of 5.5 GHz, with 35Wi7-14700 having 20 cores, 33M cache, and a frequency of 5.4 GHz. The 65Wi7-14700T model will have 20 cores, 33M cache, and a frequency of 5.2 GHz, while the 35Wi5-14500 model will have 14 cores, 24M cache, and a frequency of 5.0 GHz. The 65Wi5-14500T model will have 14 cores, 24M cache, and a frequency of 4.8 GHz. The 35Wi5-14400 model will have 10 cores, 20M cache, and a frequency of 4.7 GHz. The 65Wi5-14400T model will have 10 cores, 20M cache, and a frequency of 4.5 GHz. The 35Wi3-14100 model


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