Title: US President Biden announces cancellation of the “Chinese Exclusion Act”
Keywords: 100-year apology, Biden, cancellation, Chinese Exclusion Act
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Recently, US President Biden announced that the US government will cancel the “Chinese Exclusion Act”. This law was passed in 1913 and aimed to exclude and discriminate against Chinese immigrants. It is part of the US foreign policy towards China.
In a 80th anniversary纪念文中,拜登表示,这项法案是“迟来的道歉”,并指出它对华人移民的影响。他还表示,将采取措施,确保华人在美国的权利得到保障。
The “Chinese Exclusion Act” is a measure taken by the US President to address the persecution and discrimination faced by Chinese immigrants. For a century, it has been one of the main obstacles faced by Chinese immigrants in the United States.
Biden’s move is welcomed, but it also raises some doubts. Some people believe that the US government should take more active measures to address discrimination and persecution faced by Chinese immigrants in the United States.
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