Title: Record-high number of New Year’s films in China this year, audiences flocking to the cinemas
Keywords: New Year’s films, record-high number, audiences flocking to the cinemas
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More than 70 new films are scheduled for the Chinese New Year’s box office this year, a figure that represents a five-year high. How do you view this phenomenon? What is the expected box office revenue for Chinese films this year?
From November 24th, the major cinemas across the country began to schedule the New Year’s films. The share of domestically produced films in the New Year’s box office reached 80%, offering audiences a richer choice of film types. A visit to several cinemas in the area around Beijing’s east third ring road found that audiences were constantly flowing, with recent releases such as “The Three Companies” and “Detective Conan” attracting a large number of viewers.
Industry analysts believe that the increase in the number of New Year’s films and the audiences’ flocking to the cinemas reflects the audience’s confidence and anticipation of the Chinese film market. The New Year’s box office period is also an important time for film production and distribution, therefore the quality and quantity of the films are generally higher.
However, due to the fierce competition in the New Year’s box office this year, film production and distribution companies need to lay out in advance, conduct publicity and promotion work, and ensure their films stand out in the fierce competition. In general, the number of New Year’s films in China this year reached a record high, and the audiences’ flocking to the cinemas indicate the audience’s confidence and anticipation of the Chinese film market. Film production and distribution companies need to conduct publicity and promotion work to ensure their films stand out in the competitive market.
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