
台积电熊本工厂将生产12/16 nm和22/28 nm这类成熟制程的半导体,初期多数产能为索尼代工CMOS图像处理器中采用的数字图像处理器(ISP),其余则为电装代工车用电子微控制器MCU,电装可取得约每月1万片产能。该工厂预计在明年年底开始量产,日本政府已决定向第一工厂提供最多4760亿日元(约合236.1亿元人民币)的补贴。此外,台积电还计划在熊本县建造第二家工厂来生产5nm芯片。


Taipei, Taiwan – Taiwan’s TSMC is set to start producing 12-inch wafers at its new foundry in Kurobe, Japan in April 2024, according to sources. The company will also begin producing 5-nanometer chips at the facility, which will be used for advanced 3-nanometer technology. The new foundry will have an initial production capacity of 550,000 wafers per month.

TSMC will also construct a second foundry in Yokota, Japan to produce 5-nanometer chips. The company is also considering building a third foundry in Kurobe to produce 3-nanometer chips. It is expected that the new foundry will start production in the second half of next year.


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