大众ID.7 VIZZION纯电轿车今晚正式宣布上市,分为三款车型,官方指导价227777元起。作为一汽-大众打造的全新纯电中型轿车,ID.7 VIZZION基于MEB纯电平台打造,全系搭载84.8kWh三元锂电池,两驱车型CLTC综合续航642km,四驱车型CLTC综合续航570km。外观方面,新车整体采用轿跑车造型,配有溜背式造型,风阻系数仅0.228Cd。尺寸方面,新车长宽高分别为4956/1862/1537mm,轴距为2965mm,真实乘坐空间达1910mm,可提供1036mm超大后备箱开口、521L后备箱空间。大众ID.7 VIZZION 首创版采用家族式设计语言,车身侧面采用掀背式车体以及隐藏式门把手设计,该车车顶配备SkyView智能光感天幕,号称隔绝99.9%紫外线和83%以上热量。内饰方面,ID.7 VIZZION 配备15英寸智能2K悬浮屏以及AR HUD智能导视,搭载全新一代车机系统ID.OS 2.0,车机内存升级到16G,支持科大讯飞语音技术,配备ID.Mate AI智能管家、IPA+TPA智能泊车管家以及全旅程智能辅助驾驶系统Travel Assist 3.0,相比2.0增加了打灯变道功能。此外,这款车型采用最新的HMI系统,挂挡方式为怀挡设计。此外,它还采用了Harman Kardon音响系统,16通道高性能扬声器;具备智能导风功能的Smart Air隐藏式智能空调系统,恒定在22℃,支持自动除雾、自动恒温、自动扫风。动力方面,ID.7 VIZZION采用前麦弗逊式+后五连杆式独立悬架;全系搭载容量为84.8kWh三元锂电池,最大充电功率100kW。它提供单电机后轮驱动与双电机四驱系统,两驱车型的CLTC综合续航642km,四驱车型的CLTC综合续航570km。首创版车型为单电机后轮驱动,驱动电机峰值功率为150kW,峰值扭矩为310N・m。安全方面,这款新车采用了32%热成型钢占比,拥有46100N・m/deg扭转刚度;“三明治”门槛结构;SOS驾驶员失能情况-EmergencyAssist 3.0;行车安全-AEB自动紧急刹车系统;停车安全-360度全景影像+PDC泊车辅助,还有母婴级健康座舱。
Title: Volkswagen ID.7 Vizion纯电动车今晚上市,三款车型官方指导价227777元起
Keywords: Volkswagen, ID.7 Vizion, pure electric轿车, official price, 227777 yuan
News content:
The Volkswagen ID.7 Vizion pure electric car officially announced its launch tonight, with official prices starting from 227777 yuan for three models. As a new pure electric中型轿车 developed by Fawor大众,the ID.7 Vizion is based on the MEB pure electric platform and features an 84.8kWh三元锂电池. With two-wheel and four-wheel drive systems, the two-wheel model has a CLTC overall range of 642 kilometers, and the four-wheel model has a CLTC overall range of 570 kilometers. In terms of appearance, the new car is designed in a sports car shape with a retractable roofline, making it aerodynamically efficient. With a length of 4956mm, width of 1862mm, and height of 1537mm, the ID.7 Vizion has a 2965mm wheelbase and provides ample space for passengers. The car’s interior is equipped with a 15-inch intelligent 2K floating screen and AR HUD intelligent view, with a new generation of the in-car infotainment system ID.OS 2.0. The car’s memory upgrade to 16G, support for Ku
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