12 月 14 日,北京市住建委、中国人民银行北京市分行、国家金融监督管理总局北京监管局、北京住房公积金管理中心、国发〔2022〕12 号文件联合发布通知,调整优化北京地区购房政策,将首套房首付比例降至 3 成。这是北京购房政策调整优化的“靴子”终于落地的具体举措,旨在更好满足居民刚性和改善性住房需求。


此次调整后,北京地区首套房首付比例将降至 3 成,对于购房者而言,购买力将得到显著提升。政策一经出台,将有助于进一步稳定北京地区房地产市场,实现住房供需平衡,更好满足人民群众对美好生活的需求。

英文标题:Beijing housing policy adjustment: downgrade of first-time home buyer’s down payment ratio to 30%

关键词:housing policy, adjustment, down payment ratio, 30%


On December 14th, the Beijing Housing and Construction Commission, the People’s Bank of China, Beijing branch, the National Financial Regulatory Commission, Beijing Housing and Pension Fund, and State Council Decision No. 2022-12 released a notice to adjust and optimize the housing policy in Beijing. The down payment ratio for the first-time home buyer will be reduced from 35% to 30%, which marks the final implementation of the “shoes” for the adjustment of the Beijing housing policy. This adjustment aims to better meet the housing needs of the general public, particularly in terms of essential needs such as first-time home buying, family planning, and education.

The policy adjustment is a long-term observation and fine management of the Chinese real estate market. On the one hand, by reducing the down payment ratio, it eases the financial pressure on home buyers, further supporting essential needs such as first-time home buying, family planning, and education. On the other hand, in accordance with the actual situation of the Chinese real estate market, it gradually suppresses investment-oriented demand, maintaining market stability.

With this adjustment, the down payment ratio for the first-time home buyer in Beijing will be reduced to 30%, significantly improving the purchasing power of home buyers. This policy will help to further stabilize the Beijing real estate market, achieve housing supply and demand balance, and better meet the needs of the general public for a better life.


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