近日,有报道称,郑州市牟州医院存在虚设病区套取医保的情况。该医院院长住院 8 次,副院长住院 6 次,涉嫌套取医保资金数额高达 614.02 万元。11 月,郑州市医保局中牟分局执法人员对牟州医院进行了检查,发现了这一问题,并将对医院进行处罚。目前,案件已移交至公安部门。



英文标题:Hospital in Henan province uses false records to collect medical insurance funds

关键词:Hospital,medical insurance,funds,investigation

Recently, there have been reports that a hospital in Henan province, China, has been using false records to collect medical insurance funds. The hospital’s president has been hospitalized 8 times, and the vice president has been hospitalized 6 times,涉嫌套取医保资金数额高达 6.14 million yuan. In November, the Henan People’s Insurance Company’s Zhong 牟分局 discovered this problem and imposed penalties on the hospital. The case has now been transferred to the public security organs.

The behavior of the hospital in creating false records to collect medical insurance funds has attracted widespread public attention. A hospital, which is supposed to provide medical care and treat patients, should not be using false records to collect medical insurance funds. In addition, the 套取医保资金 not only harms the rights of patients but also harms the image of the entire medical industry.

This event indicates that hospitals must strictly comply with relevant regulations, not create false records to collect medical insurance funds.监管部门 also need to strengthen the supervision of hospitals and increase the penalties for 套取医保资金,ensuring the safety and effective use of medical insurance funds.


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