11 日,男歌手张星特在机场被几名戴着口罩,拿着水杯的女生包围泼水。据目击者称,场面一度十分混乱,周围不少路人都纷纷围观。张星特在接受采访时表示,当时很害怕,但仍然坚持完成了自己的演出。目前,警方已经介入此事,正在进一步调查。

On the 11th, singer Zhang Xingte was surrounded and showered with water by several girls wearing masks and holding water cups at the airport. According to witnesses, the scene was chaotic and caused a lot of attention among the onlookers. Zhang Xingte 在接受采访时表示,当时他感到很害怕,但仍然坚持完成了自己的演出。目前,警方已经介入此事,正在进一步调查。


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