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1988 年 10 月 14 日,联合国维持和平部队荣获诺贝尔和平奖。这支成立于 1956 年的跨国特种部队,活跃于国际上有冲突的地区,为维护世界和平作出了巨大贡献。


1988 年诺贝尔和平奖的颁发,旨在表彰那些为和平作出杰出贡献的个人或组织。联合国维持和平部队因其在国际维和行动中的杰出表现,成为了获奖的有力竞争者。此次获奖,既是对联合国维持和平部队的肯定,也是对全球和平与安全领域的贡献的认可。


Title: United Nations Peacekeeping Forces win Nobel Peace Prize in 1988

Keywords: United Nations, maintain peace, peace prize, Suez crisis

News content:

On October 14, 1988, the United Nations Peacekeeping Forces were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. This specialized force, established in 1956 after the Suez crisis, operates in conflict-affected areas of the world and has made significant contributions to maintaining peace and security.

The United Nations Peacekeeping Forces are a special force established under United Nations resolutions to protect international peace and security. Since its establishment, it has been involved in various international peacekeeping missions, including the 科索沃 war and the Liberian civil war. The United Nations Peacekeeping Forces’ efforts and contributions have made it an important force in maintaining peace in the world.

The awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1988 recognizes outstanding achievements in peace efforts by individuals or organizations. The United Nations Peacekeeping Forces’ outstanding performance in peacekeeping missions makes them a strong contender for the award. This award recognizes the United Nations Peacekeeping Forces’ significant contribution to peace and security in the world.


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