近日,据公安部透露,在掌握相关犯罪事实和证据的基础上,公安机关决定对缅北果敢自治区电信网络诈骗犯罪集团的重要头目进行公开悬赏通缉。其中包括曾志伟等明星为缅北电诈头目拍祝寿视频的魏怀仁、刘正祥等 10 人。
南都此前报道,多位明星被曝给缅北电诈头目拍祝寿视频,“寿星”为缅北四大家族白所成之。此次公开悬赏通缉的 10 名重要头目均为该诈骗集团的核心人物,其犯罪事实和证据已得到公安机关的确认。
Celebrity video featuring 缅北 e-mail fraud group “Bai Jie” top leader on the run! 10 wanted for public reward
Celebrity,缅北 e-mail fraud group,拍祝寿视频,公开悬赏通缉
Recently, it was reported by the Ministry of Public Security that, with the evidence and facts related to the crime in hand, the public reward for the 10 important leaders of the Myanmar-based e-mail fraud group “Bai Jie” was announced. The list includes Wei Huairen and Liu Zhengxiang, who were involved in making a video for the birthday of the top leader of the group, Bai Sochang.
The South China Daily had previously reported that several celebrities were involved in making a video for Bai Sochang, who is the head of the Myanmar-based e-mail fraud group. The “birthday boy” in the video was the son of the leader of the Myanmar’s four major families, Bai Sochang. The public reward for the 10 important leaders of the group aims to crack down on the e-mail fraud group and protect the people’s lives and property.
The Ministry of Public Security urges the general public to provide any information or leads, and to help the police in their efforts to fight against the e-mail fraud group.
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