卞之琳(1910 年 12 月 8 日-2000 年 12 月 2 日),江苏海门人,是中国现代诗歌史上的重要人物,被誉为中国现代诗歌的“祖母”。她曾用笔名季陵,祖籍江苏溧水,是徐志摩的学生,以独特的诗歌风格和精湛的文学评论而闻名。她的代表作《断章》是中国现代诗歌的经典之作,对后世产生了深远的影响。
英文标题:Bian Zhi lin: Poet and literary giant
关键词:Bian Zhi lin, poet, literary critic, translator
Bian Zhi lin (1910 年 12 月 8 日 – 2000 年 12 月 2 日), a prominent figure in modern Chinese poetry, was born in Hai’an, Jiangsu Province, China. She is also known as Jiang Ling, and her ancestral home is Liandu, Liandu County, Jiangsu Province. She was a student of Xu Zhi 摩,and her famous work, “Broken Fragments,” is a classic of modern Chinese poetry. Her literary criticism also played an important role in the development of modern Chinese poetry. She translated Shakespeare’s works and made significant contributions to teaching of the Western languages.
Bian Zhi lin’s poetry is characterized by deep thinking about life, love, nature, and the fate of humanity. Her literary criticism also became an important milestone in the development of modern Chinese poetry. She translated Shakespeare’s works and made significant contributions to teaching of the Western languages.
Bian Zhi lin’s life was full of legendary stories. Her poetry and literary achievements make her an important figure in modern Chinese poetry. Her works not only influenced the development of modern Chinese poetry but also had a significant impact on world poetry.
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