Title: Personal online lending information integrated into credit information system, concern about the impact on mortgage
Keywords: personal online lending, credit information system, online lending, mortgage
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In recent years, with the widespread use of various consumer credit products, concerns about the potential impact of online lending on mortgage rates have become increasingly prominent. According to a recent survey, it has been found that the majority of online lending products have been integrated into the credit information system.
Data from the 纳入征信情况来看,多数电商贷款已经接入人民银行征信系统。相关数据显示,目前已经有花呗借呗、京东金条、美团借钱等消费信贷产品接入征信系统。而多数电商贷款的接入,意味着 borrowers’ borrowing records will be recorded by the credit information system.
In this context, the question of whether online lending will affect mortgage rates has become a hot topic. Since both online lending and mortgage loans are personal loans, the relationship between the two has also attracted attention in the industry.
However, at the moment, it appears that the impact of most online lending products on mortgage rates is relatively small. This is because these loans are typically used for personal consumption and not directly for mortgage repayment. Moreover, the interest rates on these lending products are relatively higher, which means that using them for mortgage repayment could increase borrowers’ burdens.
Overall, the integration of personal online lending information into the credit information system has caused concern among the public, but at the moment, it seems that the impact on mortgage rates will be relatively small. However, as more lending products continue to be 普及,it may be necessary to further monitor the potential impact.
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