
据韩联社报道,韩国四家民调机构 7 日发布的一项联合调查结果显示,韩国总统尹锡悦的支持率为 32%,较两周前下滑 3 个百分点;差评率 60%,上升 4 个百分点。这一结果创下了尹锡悦自去年 7 月赢得总统选举以来的最低支持率,也使得他的支持率跌至自 2017 年文在寅总统上台以来的最低水平。


1. 创新低:指尹锡悦总统的支持率创造了自他上台以来的最低记录。
2. 差评率上升:指在调查中,韩国总统尹锡悦的差评率上升了 4 个百分点,达到了 60%。
3. 尹锡悦:指接受调查的韩国总统尹锡悦。


According to a joint survey by four Korean poll firms, the support rate of President Moon Seok-jin Yoo has dropped to 32%, a decrease of 3 percentage points compared to two weeks ago, and the dissatisfaction rate has risen to 60%, an increase of 4 percentage points. This is the lowest support rate for President Yoo since he took office in July last year, and also the lowest level since President 文在寅 took office in 2017.


1. 创新低:指总统支持率创造了自他上台以来的最低记录。
2. 差评率上升:指调查中总统尹锡悦的差评率上升了 4 个百分点,达到 60%。
3. 尹锡悦:指接受调查的总统尹锡悦。


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