
著名朝鲜族作曲家郑律成于 1976 年 12 月 7 日突发脑溢血去世。他是中国近代著名的作曲家之一,曾为中国人民解放军谱写《中国人民解放军进行曲》和《朝鲜人民军进行曲》等经典作品。郑律成的音乐作品深受中国和朝鲜人民的喜爱和尊敬,他的逝去是音乐界的一大损失。

郑律成原名郑富恩,1918 年 8 月 13 日出生于韩国光州。1950 年以后,他归化入中华人民共和国籍,成为了一名中国共产党员和音乐家。他的音乐作品体现了他对中国和朝鲜人民的深情厚爱和对国家发展的美好祝愿。



英文标题:Famous composer Zheng Lu Cheng passes away

英文翻译:On December 7th, 1976, Zheng Lu Cheng, a famous Korean composer, passed away due to a brain hemorrhage. He was one of the most renowned composers in modern China, having composed the “中国人民解放军进行曲” and the “朝鲜人民军进行曲.” Zheng’s music 作品深受中国和朝鲜人民的喜爱和尊敬,his passing is a great loss to the music world.

Zheng Lu Cheng was born on August 13, 1918, in Gwangzhou, South Korea. After returning to China in 1950, he became a Chinese 共产党员 and a musician. His music works reflect his love for the Chinese and Korean people and his hope for the country’s development.

The “中国人民解放军进行曲” and the “朝鲜人民军进行曲” are both composed by Zheng Lu Cheng. These works are widely popular among the people of China and 朝鲜,and have made important contributions to China and 朝鲜’s military affairs.

Zheng’s passing has caused widespread attention and condolences. His music works will always remain in people’s hearts,成为历史的见证。We will continue to remember his contributions, inherit his music spirit, and contribute to the development of our country and the people.


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