
26 日上午,80 余名两岸青年抵达福建省莆田市湄洲岛,展开了一场历时五天四夜、行程超 200 公里的徒步朝圣之旅。他们背着妈祖神像,穿着汉服,步行前行,成为了湄洲岛上一道靓丽的风景线。此次徒步朝圣之旅是为了纪念妈祖诞辰,两岸青年共同表达对妈祖的敬仰之情。


Title: 80 余 Youths Walk Over 200 km to Visit Mary Magdalene in Ma 妈祖岛
Keywords: cross-strait youths, walking devotion, Matsu Island, Mary Magdalene statue

On the morning of November 26th, more than 80 cross-strait youths arrived at Matsu Island,福建省莆田市,on a five-day, four-night walking devotion journey. They carried the Mary Magdalene statue and dressed in Hanfu clothing, walking forward with determination. This walking devotion journey was organized to commemorate the birthday of Mary Magdalene. The cross-strait youths came together to pay respect to Mary Magdalene.


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