据日本警方消息,当地时间 9 日凌晨,在千叶县松户市一名中国女子面部流血倒在地上,送医之后确认死亡。目前,警方正在寻找 2 名男子的下落,以确定该事件的真相。



英文标题:Chinese woman fatally injured in Japan, 2 escape

翻译内容:A Chinese woman was fatally injured in Japan early on the morning of the 9th, and two men are currently at large. According to reports, the woman, who was found unconscious on the ground with blood on her face, was later pronounced dead. The police are currently searching for the two men involved in the incident, which has caused concern in both China and Japan. Both countries’ governments and police forces have 加强合作,working together to unravel the mystery behind the killing. At present, the specific details of the case and the identity of the perpetrator remain unclear, and the police are continuing their investigation. The incident has affected the relations between China and Japan and the security cooperation in the region, with both sides expressing their willingness to strengthen cooperation in order to maintain the safety and stability of the area.

【来源】https://www.baidu.com/s?wd=中国女子在日本街头被杀害 2人在逃

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