据叙利亚军方当地时间 11 月 8 日发表的声明,以色列当晚空袭了叙利亚南部地区,造成部分设施损毁。这次空袭行动引起了叙利亚政府和人民的强烈谴责。
Syrian military reports Israeli air strike on 南部地区,causing damage to facilities
Keywords: Israel, air strike, Syrian 南部,damage to facilities
news content:
According to a statement made by the Syrian military on November 8th, Israel carried out an air strike on the southern part of Syria the night before, causing damage to some facilities. This air strike operation has attracted strong condemnation from the Syrian government and the people.
The Israeli government said that this was a response to the actions of Syrian 恐怖 ists and their supporters, and also a show of support for the Syrian government’s failure to fulfill its international responsibilities. Israel said that the southern part of Syria is a significant center for the activities of terrorist groups, and therefore, it decided to take action.
The air strike operation has 引起了全球的关注,包括联合国、叙利亚政府、俄罗斯、伊朗等国家。联合国方面表示,以色列的行为违反了国际法,叙利亚政府则强烈谴责以色列的侵略行为。俄罗斯和伊朗也谴责了以色列的空袭行动,并呼吁以色列停止类似的行动。
The air strike operation in Israel’s attack on the southern part of Syria has not only attracted international attention, but has also elicited strong reactions from the Syrian people. The Syrian people widely 谴责 Israel’s behavior and call on the Syrian government to take measures to protect the lives and safety of the people. At the same time, the Syrian government has also appealed to the international community to provide more support and help to the Syrian people.
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