据特斯拉官方证实,本周四(11 月 9 日)起上调 Model 3 和 Model Y 长续航版的价格,后续也可能上调标续版的价格。特斯拉表示,Model Y 在 10 月 1 日已完成全系车型的进化升级,内饰新增了多色氛围灯,并在仪表台饰板及前门饰板选用了更新的科技织物材质,外观更新了 19 英寸双子星轮圈设计。目前,特斯拉 Model 3 共有标续版和长续航版两个配置,售价分别为 25.99/29.59 万元;Model Y 共有 3 款在售车型,分别为标续/长续航/高性能版,售价为 26.39/29.99/36.39 万元。Model Y 长续航版此次涨价后,价格将再次超过 30 万元。特斯拉价格体系一向公正透明,价格上调后的 Model Y 依然是国内市场相同价位中最好的产品。
新闻翻译(英文):Tesla confirmed that the long-range versions of Model 3 and Model Y will increase in price on Thursday. According to a report by Car 之家,Tesla officially confirmed that the prices of Model 3 and Model Y long-range versions will be increased on Thursday (November 9th). Tesla said that Model Y has undergone an evolution upgrade in the entire model line, adding multi-color ambient lights to the interior and updating the technology fabric materials on the instrument panel and front door. The exterior of Model Y has also been updated with a 19-inch 双子星轮圈 design. Currently, there are three available models in the market, priced at 26,390 yuan, 29,990 yuan, and 36,390 yuan. With the increase in price, the price of Model Y long-range version will exceed 300,000 yuan for the first time. Tesla’s pricing system has always been fair and transparent, and the price of Model Y long-range version remains the best product among the same price in the domestic market.
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