今年前 10 个月,我国货物贸易进出口总值 34.32 万亿元,同比微增 0.03%。据海关统计,我国外贸运行稳中有进。

近年来,我国外贸进出口总值一直保持增长。然而,受到国际经济环境、贸易摩擦等因素的影响,今年前 10 个月的进出口总值出现了微增。尽管如此,我国外贸依然保持稳中有进的态势。

我国外贸的运行稳中有进,一方面体现在出口方面。今年前 10 个月,我国货物贸易出口总值同比增长 3.8%,继续保持增长态势。另一方面,进口方面也保持增长,今年前 10 个月,我国货物贸易进口总值同比增长 0.5%。


总的来说,今年前 10 个月我国外贸进出口总值同比微增 0.03%,但运行依然稳中有进。我国外贸潜力巨大,未来外贸发展前景依然乐观。


Title:外贸进出口总值同比微增 0.03%,中国外贸运行保持稳中有进



The goods trade import and export total of China amounted to 34.32 trillion yuan in the first ten months of this year, a year-on-year increase of 0.03%. According to customs statistics, China’s foreign trade operation is stable and growing.

In recent years, China’s foreign trade import and export total has been increasing. However, due to factors such as the global economic environment and trade disputes, there was a slight increase in the goods trade import and export total in the first ten months of this year. Despite this, China’s foreign trade still maintains a stable and growing trend.

The stability and growth of China’s foreign trade can be seen in the exports and imports. The goods trade export of China in the first ten months of this year increased by 3.8%, maintaining a positive trend. At the same time, the imports also showed growth, with a 0.5% increase in the goods trade import 总值.

The stability and growth of China’s foreign trade also reflects in the optimization of trade varieties and the improvement of trade cooperation levels. In terms of exports, China’s exports to the United States have increased, and there has been growth in exports to Japan. In addition, China’s foreign trade also shows characteristics such as the optimization of trade varieties and the improvement of trade cooperation levels.

In summary, the goods trade import and export total of China in the first ten months of this year increased by 0.03%, indicating that China’s foreign trade operation is stable and growing. The potential of China’s foreign trade is huge, and the future prospects for foreign trade development remain optimistic.


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