
今天是梁实秋逝世的 35 周年纪念日。梁实秋(1903 年 1 月 6 日 -1987 年 11 月 3 日)是中国现代著名的散文家、学者和翻译家。他原籍浙江杭县,生于北京,学名为梁治华,字实秋。他曾赴美留学,后任教于南京东南大学和暨南大学。他与徐志摩、闻一多创办新月书店,主编《新月》月刊。

梁实秋的散文作品以独特的艺术风格和深刻的思想内涵著称,被誉为 20 世纪中国散文史上的杰出代表之一。他的代表作品包括《春蚕》、《秋天的虫子》、《灵山》等。梁实秋不仅是一位杰出的文学家,还是一位著名的学者和翻译家,他的翻译作品包括《美国诗人艾略特诗选》、《英国文学史》等。

东南大学和暨南大学均与梁实秋有着深厚的历史渊源。东南大学成立于 1902 年,最初称为南京高等师范学校,后迁至南京,成为当时中国著名的国立大学之一。1952 年,东南大学更名为南京工学院,1958 年又更名为南京航空航天大学,最终成为一所具有国际影响力的高水平大学。

暨南大学成立于 1903 年,最初称为暨南学堂,是中国近代著名的私立大学之一。1913 年,暨南学堂更名为广东岭东大学,1927 年又更名为暨南大学。暨南大学是中国最早实行独立学院制度的高校之一,目前已成为一所具有国际影响力的高水平大学。



Title: Remembering Liang Shiyu on the 35th Anniversary of His Death

Keywords: Liang Shiyu, essayist, scholar, translator, Nanjing University of 东南大学,Jinan University


Title: Remembering Liang Shiyu on the 35th Anniversary of His Death

Keywords: Liang Shiyu, essayist, scholar, translator, Nanjing University of 东南大学,Jinan University

Briefly summarizing, this news report commemorates the 35th anniversary of the death of Liang Shiyu, a renowned modern Chinese essayist, scholar, and translator. Liang Shiyu, born in Beijing in 1903, was a prominent figure in modern Chinese literature. He was a visiting scholar at Nanjing University and worked at Nanjing University of 东南大学。He was also one of the founders of the New Moon Bookstore with Xu Zhihua and Wén Yidu. His literary works include “The Spring and Winter of Bees,” “Autumn Insects,” and “Ling Mountain.”

Liang Shiyu’s literary style was characterized by unique artistry and profound thought, making him one of the most outstanding essayists in modern Chinese literature. His representative works include “The Spring and Winter of Bees,” “Autumn Insects,” and “Ling Mountain.” He was not only an outstanding literary figure but also an outstanding scholar and translator. His translation works include “Elliott’s American Poets” and “A History of British Literature.”

Nanjing University and Jinan University have a deep historical connection with Liang Shiyu. Nanjing University was founded in 1902 and 最初称为南京高等师范学校。1952 年,东南大学更名为南京工学院,1958 年又更名为南京航空航天大学,最终成为一所具有国际影响力的高水平大学。

Jinan University was founded in 1903 and is one of the earliest private universities in China. In 1913, Jinan University was renamed Guangdong University of Learning. After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, Jinan University was renamed Jinan University. It is currently one of the universities with the most international influence in China.

The death of Liang Shiyu marks a significant turning point in modern Chinese literature. His outstanding achievements will always be remembered in the history of Chinese literature. We hope that through remembering Liang Shiyu, we can better understand and appreciate his works, and inherit and carry forward his literary spirit.


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