1869 年 11 月 3 日,清朝同治八年九月三十日,在安徽省安庆发生了一次教案。当时,来安庆参加府试的各地考生与当地士绅百姓发生冲突,砸毁了英法两国的教堂。事件引起了清朝两江总督、安徽巡抚和英法方面的关注,后来签署了《南京协定》,教案才得以平息。
英文标题:Ancient Chinese Incident – Battle of Anqing
关键词:Ancient Chinese Incident, Christianity, Local Elites, Conflict, Students, Destruction, British and French Churches, Sino-British Agreement
Translation: On November 30, 1869, during the reign of Emperor Zongzhi of the Qing Dynasty, an incident known as the Battle of Anqing occurred in Anqing,安徽省。At the time, participants in the imperial examination were 冲突,破坏了英国和法国的教堂。Eventually, the Sino-British Agreement was signed, but the incident had a profound impact on the political and social environment at the time.
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