
近日,浙江杭州一女子因在超市偷拿 22 件物品,被保安拦下并报警。据了解,马某是个月薪过万的白领,却先后 8 次盗窃超市,累计金额 4000 余元。

马某是杭州某公司的高管,虽然月入过万,但贪图便宜,多次盗窃超市。先是在一家超市偷了 10 件物品,被保安发现后离开;接着在另一家超市又偷了 12 件物品,被保安当场抓获;此后,她又分别在另外 6 家超市盗窃了 8 件物品。


英文标题:Top earning executive burglarized supermarket 8 times
关键词:Top earning executive, burglarized supermarket, 8 times

A top-earning executive in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China, has been arrested for burglarizing a supermarket 8 times, stealing a total of more than 4,000 yuan.

The executive, surnamed Ma, is a high-level manager at a well-known company in Hangzhou, making more than 10,000 yuan in monthly salary. However, she has been struggling with a passion for stealing, burglarizing supermarkets in the area. She was caught by security guards at one of the supermarkets and later admitted to the other 6 incidents.

The supermarket manager said that Ma’s actions have significantly affected the supermarket’s operation. They are working closely with the police to investigate the incidents and improving the supermarket’s security to prevent similar incidents from happening again.


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