据 IT 之家报道,当地时间周三,雷诺汽车宣布将投资 30 亿欧元推出 8 款新车,并提高电动汽车在欧洲以外地区的销量。作为 2021 年战略转型的一部分,这家法国汽车制造商将重点放在欧洲最赚钱的细分市场——电动汽车和紧凑车型。由于失去了俄罗斯市场,雷诺目前已经非常依赖欧洲市场。2023 年前 9 个月,雷诺近 69% 的销量来自欧洲,高于去年同期的 63%。雷诺品牌首席执行官法布里斯 – 坎博里夫表示,随着产品更新在欧洲市场取得成效,现在要让雷诺品牌更加全球化,盈利能力更强。雷诺还表示,到 2027 年,电动车和混合动力车在欧洲以外地区的销量应占三分之一。

Nissan announces 3 billion euros investment to launch eight new models and increase electric vehicle sales in Europe and beyond. As part of its 2021 strategic transformation, the French car manufacturer will focus on the most profitable segment in Europe——电动汽车 and compact vehicles. Due to the loss of the Russian market, Nissan is currently highly dependent on the European market. In the first nine months of 2023, Nissan’s sales in Europe accounted for 63% of its total sales, up from 69% a year ago. Nissan brand CEO Fabrice Cambolive said that with the positive results of product updates in Europe, the company now wants to make Nissan brand more global and more profitable. Nissan also announced that electric and hybrid vehicles sales in Europe and beyond should account for one-third of the market by 2027.


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