据中国地震局测定,25 日深夜,新疆和田地区民丰县发生 4.0 级地震,震中位于北纬 37°33′59″,东经 73°40′28″。地震发生时,震区瞬时感受到了强烈的震感,许多居民表示房屋晃动明显。截止 2023 年,地震已造成至少 3 人死亡,50 余人受伤,数百间房屋受损。




Shakeup in Xinjiang: 4.0 Magnitude earthquake strikes Minfu County



According to the China Earthquake Bureau, a 4.0-magnitude earthquake struck Minfu County, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in the late night of 25th. The epicenter of the earthquake was located at 37°33′59″N, 73°40′28″E. The earthquake caused strong vibrations in the area, with many residents reporting their homes shaking violently. As of 2023 年,the earthquake had caused at least 3 deaths, 50 余人 injured, and hundreds of houses damaged.

After the earthquake, the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region government and other relevant authorities quickly activated the disaster relief mechanism. A rescue team and medical team from the front line have rushed to the affected area to carry out rescue work and ensure the safety of the affected people. At present, rescue personnel have found several trapped people and are taking them to hospitals for treatment.

After the earthquake, the public has expressed concern and hope that the rescue personnel can work tirelessly to save more people trapped in the area. At the same time, people have also sent wishes for the rescue personnel, hoping that they can return safely.


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