1938 年,武汉会战结束,标志着抗日战争进入相持阶段。这场横跨安徽省、江西省、河南省、浙江省及湖北省等广阔地域的大规模战役,由国民政府军事委员会主席蒋中正领导中国第 5、第 9 战区部队,以湖北武汉地区为中心,抗击由华中方面军总司令畑俊六指挥的日本帝国陆军。
据历史记载,武汉会战持续了约 4 个月,共涉及 10 个省份,双方投入了超过 100 万的兵力。尽管最终中国军队成功阻止了日军占领武汉的目标,但双方都付出了惨重的代价。此次会战也成为了中国抗日战争史上最为残酷的一场战役。
Wuhan Campaign Ends as War Enters Static Phase
关键词:Wuhan Campaign,War,Static Phase
The Wuhan Campaign, a major battle during World War II, ended today as the war entered a static phase. This campaign, which involved the Japanese army’s attack on the city of Wuhan in Hubei Province, China, lasted for more than four months and involved more than 100,000 troops from both sides. Although the Chinese army ultimately managed to stop the Japanese army’s advance on Wuhan, both sides suffered heavy losses. The campaign is considered one of the most brutal battles in China’s war history.
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