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杭州市萧山区 24 日举办了“心相约,梦闪耀”亚残运观赛空间大型助残公益活动。活动邀请了来自杭州各地的残疾人代表、社区老年代表等齐聚亚残运观赛空间,共同营造亚残运会浓郁的体育氛围。现场展示了各种辅助器具及设备,让残障人士体验到体育带来的快乐。

The Inclusive Accessibility Environment for the 2022 Asian Paralympic Games was officially opened at the Hangzhou Paralympic Venue, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China, on October 24th. The event was organized by the Hangzhou Paralympic Committee and gathered representatives of disabled people and elderly people from all over Hangzhou to create a warm and vibrant atmosphere for the Paralympic Games. The event showcased various assistive devices and equipment, allowing disabled people to experience the joy of sports.

The event aimed to promote the inclusive and accessible nature of the Paralympic Games, allowing disabled people to participate in the sports activities and feel the support and encouragement of the public. With the increasing awareness of accessibility and inclusion, the Paralympic Games is becoming more and more accessible to people with disabilities, making sport and competition more inclusive and diverse.


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