中国工程院院士、中国探月工程总设计师吴伟仁 22 日表示,实施载人登月方面,中国目前正在开展关键技术攻关和实施方案深化论证,计划 2030 年前后实现载人登陆月球。

中国探月工程总设计师吴伟仁 22 日表示,中国目前正在开展关键技术攻关和实施方案深化论证,计划 2030 年前后实现载人登陆月球。这是中国实现载人登月的具体行动,也是中国航天事业发展的又一里程碑。此次载人登月计划将采用和平方式,即通过飞船将人员送往月球,并安全返回地面。该计划旨在加强人类对月球的认识,促进人类对月球资源的利用,同时加强国际间的合作,为人类未来的太空探索打下基础。

此次载人登月计划将分为两步实施。首先,中国将于 2024 年前后发射嫦娥五号,实现月球表面无人探测器与月球轨道器对接。其次,中国将于 2030 年前后发射嫦娥七号,实现载人飞船与月球轨道器对接,并搭载返回舱将人员安全送回地面。


Chinese Academy of Engineering and prominent aerospace engineer Wu Weren announced on the 22nd that China is currently making technological breakthroughs and deepening discussions on the implementation plan for manned lunar landing, with a target date of around 2030.

Chinese Academy of Engineering and prominent aerospace engineer Wu Weren announced on the 22nd that China is currently making technological breakthroughs and deepening discussions on the implementation plan for manned lunar landing, with a target date of around 2030. This is China’s specific action plan for manned lunar landing and also another milestone in China’s aerospace development. The manned lunar landing plan will use peaceful means, that is, spacecraft will take people to the moon and safely return them to the ground. This plan aims to strengthen human knowledge of the moon, promote the utilization of lunar resources, and strengthen international cooperation to lay the foundation for future human space exploration.

The manned lunar landing plan will be implemented in two steps. First, China plans to launch the Chang’e-5 spacecraft around 2024, which will achieve the docking of the lunar surface unmanned probe with the lunar orbiter. Second, China plans to launch the Chang’e-7 spacecraft around 2030, which will achieve the docking of the manned spacecraft with the lunar orbiter and safely return the crew to the ground.

Wu Weren, the head of the China lunar exploration project, said that the manned lunar landing will not only greatly promote human knowledge of the moon but also provide technological support for future space exploration. China has already made significant progress in lunar exploration, successfully launching the Chang’e-1, Chang’e-2, Chang’e-3, Chang’e-4, and Chang’e-5 spacecraft, as well as carrying out several key technologies studies. With the implementation of the manned lunar landing plan, China will become one of the few countries able to independently complete the manned lunar landing mission.


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