
据中国地震台网正式测定,北京时间 10 月 20 日 2 时 58 分 (当地时间 10 月 20 日 2 时 58 分),在菲律宾棉兰老岛发生 5.9 级地震,震源深度 20 公里,震中位于北纬 7.65 度,东经 126.35 度。此次地震属于板块交界处地震,地震波及范围广,目前已波及菲律宾、中国台湾、日本等地,造成当地震感强烈,部分民众惊慌失措。此次地震再次提醒人们注意地震风险,加强地震应急预案和演练。

A 5.9-magnitude earthquake struck the island of Mindanao in the Philippines on October 20 at 2:58 a.m. (local time 2:58 a.m.). The quake had a depth of 20 kilometers and was centered at 7.65 degrees north latitude and 126.35 degrees east longitude, according to the official China Earthquake Bureau. The earthquake belongs to the interaction between the Eurasian and Pacific tectonic plates and the tremor has been felt in areas such as the Philippines, Taiwan and Japan. The earthquake has caused severe shaking and panic among the local people, reminding people to be more aware of earthquake risks and to improve their earthquake emergency response and drills.




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