1998 年 10 月 19 日,美国华盛顿地区法院开始审理司法部及 20 个州政府起诉微软公司违反联邦反垄断法一案。这场官司被认为表明了 20 世纪旧有的秩序与飞速发展的现实之间的不可调和的矛盾。
微软公司是 20 世纪最成功的软件公司之一,其产品范围涵盖了计算机操作系统、办公软件、搜索引擎和游戏机等。然而,美国政府认为微软公司在市场上处于垄断地位,通过捆绑销售和限制竞争等手段,排挤竞争对手,使得消费者面临高昂的价格。
新闻标题:Microsoft faces antitrust probe
关键词:Microsoft,antitrust,US government
On October 19, 1998, a court in Washington, D.C. began hearing arguments in the antitrust case filed by the U.S. Department of Justice and 20 state governments against Microsoft, the giant software company. The lawsuit marked the latest in a series of battles between the old order and the rapidly changing reality of the 20th century.
Microsoft, which was one of the most successful companies in the world in the 1990s, had a range of products that included operating systems, office software, search engines, and gaming consoles. However, the U.S. government argues that Microsoft’s dominant position in the market has led to higher prices for consumers through bundled sales and restrictions on competition.
The lawsuit has been going back and forth for over a year and a half, with Microsoft launching its own counterarguments and being sued by the government. Both sides have presented strong evidence, but the case has had a negative impact on Microsoft’s business and reputation.
It is difficult to predict how the case will ultimately be decided, but it is clear that this lawsuit will have a profound impact on Microsoft’s future.
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